


Experience a day in our showroom with the Shimadzu experts from our team and learn practical tips to achieve the best results from your LCMS systems. The event starts at 9:30 am and includes talks and practical sessions. As the number of participants is limited, we kindly ask you to register using the link below.



A day for LCMS

September 24th, 2024

Shimadzu Schweiz GmbH

Hofackerstrasse 40b

4132 - Muttenz, BL


Unfortunately we have reached maximum capacity for this event.
Please use the form below to register your interest to participate in a future event like this.
Register here




09:30    Registration / Coffee

10:00    Welcome
              Dr. Carmela Meisenbach

10:10    LCMS Product Line - Introducing this year’s innovations
             Dr. Nicolas Fraysse

10:40    Tips and Tricks to maintain your LCMS:
             Practical maintenance tips from a service engineer
Sascha Sütterlin

11:40    Shimadzu’s approach to customer service
             Christian Marx

12:00    Lunch Break

13:00    Practical Session #1 - Hands-on troubleshooting on the LCMS
Sascha Sütterlin

14:30    Practical Session #2 - Improving your LC-MS/MS methods:
             Practical tips for better acquisition and processing
Dr. Samantha Wörner

16:00    End